

Thanks to our new APP a lightweight, cutting-edge and versatile instrument such as Smartwatch is included in the FISIOWARM® line.

We have integrated Bluetooth technology to enable smartwatches to boost the benefits of the FISIOWARM® system, allowing physiotherapists to monitor and control treatments without even having to take their eyes off, because all the necessary information on the continuity and safety of the treatment can be found exactly where they are looking: at their hands on the patient.

After setting the treatment protocol levels on the tablet and starting therapy, they can manage the rest of the process directly via the smartwatch. FISIOWARM® energy will be supplied with no interruption whatsoever, with no drops in concentration and evident benefits for the patient. Physiotherapists will be able to move around freely even where there is limited space, always having their hands free to guide the energy and intervene in the patient’s exercises and movements. All they have to do to change the current protocol settings is tap the watch, while a gentile vibration will alert them to the fact that the treatment is coming to an end.

The smartwatch joins a uniquely dynamic and remote-controlled product line that is one of the most advanced on the market. Its finger-touch controls make it handier than ever!


A wireless control via tablet guarantees a treatment’s continuity and a complete freedom of movement to the physiotherapist. Tablet can be placed easily according to the type of application (for example on bed close to patient) and provides all the necessary data in real time.


With the app the therapist works with the help of an intelligent and dynamic support system without ever having to divert focus from the patient.


Grazie all’app il professionista lavora col supporto di un sistema di assistenza intelligente e dinamico, senza dover mai distogliere la concentrazione dal paziente.


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