
Bipolar Electrode

Bipolar Treatments

Applications of tecartherapy with bipolar electrodes have the advantage of allowing for a treatment of greater dynamism and comfort as they are free from the use of the plate.

In the capacitive bipolar system the “plate” is located in the same surface as the electrode, while in the resistive bipolar, the electrode consists of two small resistive electrodes, of the same shape and size, which serve as a plate and a resistive electrode.

The patient will have a more comfortable treatment, for example you will no longer have the problem of having to endure the cold plate under the belly for back treatment.

For the physiotherapist there will be greater specificity in the stimulation of the target tissue and a dynamism of treatment as well as integrating therapeutic exercise and biological stimulation, which was very difficult and sometimes impossible to carry out when using the unipolar system.

By clicking on the treatment you can find out more details. The ones presented here are just a few of the presets available on the Fisiowarm 7.0 app

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